But by all accounts; it seems that indeed "spring has sprung" and if indeed we are witness to the end of the winter of 09/10 then it will go down as a pretty tame one.

The snowfall was definitely less than that of recent years and looking back, the temperatures were probably higher than normal and certainly less extreme in terms of swings from mild to bitter cold and back.
Don't get me wrong...I do recall a few -36 degree mornings to be sure, but overall it wasn't bad.
The lack of snow and intermitant cold temperatures did however make for good ice conditions; which was a good thing because the snowmobile trails suffered as a result of reduced snowfall and ice travel was the best way to get around.
Speaking of ice; I did manage to get out and fish a couple of times.

The days I did choose to go out turned out to be absolutly gorgeous, which doesn't always translate to fish biting but definitley helps with the enjoyment of the day.......
you know...sunglasses....lawn chairs...refreshments, etc. !!!!
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